Nascut com a projecte paral·lel a llurs bandes, Lil’ Knife i Mad Robot, Carolina Otero i Mike Grau han reunit 7 cançons pròpies i una excel·lent versió dels The Cure en un meravellós treball discogràfic anomenat Superfruit. Seguint les pautes del “fes-ho tu mateix” han aconseguit enregistrar a l’estudi The home del Don’t Provide Personal Information When paying online, one needs to take it in right quantity and also take necessary cheapest cialis prices precautions. levitra mastercard Maintaining very good wellbeing in today’s society generally depends upon just how well your well being insurance coverage applies to your lifestyle and requirements. How would you feel if one day you were told that after gallbladder removal, your pain would stop, and you would not have any digestive discomfort. viagra generic discount They are viagra on line always in stock a safe and natural alternative to synthetic drugs. Mike Grau un disc que ens agradaria no fos l’últim creat per aquesta parella musical entusiasta i constant. El Mike, a través del telèfon, ens parla del disc, les cançons i la música en general en aquesta entrevista en la qual també hem escoltat uns quants temes de Superfruit.
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